Building of a
Multiplex Easy Glider


Model Kit the
Multiplex Easy Glider #21 4205

This glider comes in (2) version.
The regular Glider
The Electric
version that comes with
a 400 Brush Motor
The first one I built is the motor version
but I did not use it, and is painted yellow.

I used a brushless Eflite 450. I set it up with a
Thunder Power 2100 mAp, 3 cell 11.1 volt Li Po battery.
I used a 400mAp, 4 cell 4.8 volt battery to power the servos,
this combination gives me up to 1 hour and 30 minutes
of flying time.

Second Glider
Started on:
April 21, 2007

Now I have started work on my replacement of the other Easy Glider.
For the replacement, I will be using the non motor version.
This is $18.00 cheaper. I will be using the parts from the old one,
to complete the newer one. W
ith one differance and that is I will use
a 650mAp 4.8volt battery for the servos.

First I had to tape up areas that will be gluing.

I used American Tradition "Plastic Primer" (Clear) for the
base coat. I will have a two tone paint scheme. Red for the Top surfaces
with a blue for the underside.
The blue will make it easier the locate the plane
while at higher attitudes.

On to step two, painting

Copyright© 2007
M. Byron Norrell, Jr.
All Rights Reserved ® 2007
Designed the: Feb. 4, 2007

Designed by:
M. Byron Norrell, Jr.